Research vessels

WOOJU is constantly on the move.
The “WOOJU” watch is timeless - let’s keep working!

Our company prides itself on over 15 years of experience in manufacturing deck machinery and over two years of experience in supporting the market for advanced underwater vehicles.

WJE offers a range of anchor and mooring devices that can be adapted to any operating conditions. All of them provide efficient operation under challenging conditions.
WJE offers a wide range of hydraulically powered vertical pins for use when mooring vessels at the pier.
WJE offers a range of anchor and mooring devices that can be adapted to any operating conditions. All of them provide efficient operation under challenging conditions.

WOO JU ENTEK cranes are designed to operate all over the world and to withstand the impact of harsh conditions when vessels operate 24/7/365. Operability is crucial to the daily operations of vessels worldwide. With performance and reliability in mind, our cranes have been refined through decades of field experience, performance and user feedback. We utilize the same expertise to ensure that we deliver a tailored solution that can be relied upon.
The equipment is optimised to operate from woo ju entek’ s fibre optic cable plough but is also compatible with a wide range of third party plough systems. The LARS spread is designed to minimize transportation, mobilization and operating costs and is supported through woo ju entek’s
3 worldwide support network.
Our company offers the design and manufacture of ship devices and equipment by the rules of various classification societies.